Yoga Asan
Yoga asna is a dynamic system of exercise that uses an improvised and spontaneous approach that is fun, enjoyable and at the same time focused is suitable for a person of any age and any level of strength or flexibility. It is a technique that works especially well for people who have little or no knowledge of Yoga and cannot perform difficult postures. Those already practicing yoga will find that this system pushes their body and mind to the next level.
Natural healing is the best way for improved health. Even after a surgery the doctor advises you to move your body. Stagnant living is not recommended for a healthy body.Yoga practicing makes you a yogi who is able to live in this material world, enjoy all the pleasures and exercise self control. Self motivation is necessary and a good guide can bring about drastic changes in your personality.Yoga classes are bonding times too. You can cultivate healthy friendships, partake in discussions and find a great guide in your yoga instructor.
Meet the instructor to clarify your thoughts, your main illness and also carry your reports. Blood pressure to skin problems can be cured by yoga with loads of patience and discipline. Brings about a total transformation of the mind and body, giving you tremendous results in a short span of time.
Benefits of Yoga:-
- Boosts physical strength, stamina and flexibility
- Helps in rehabilitation of old & new injuries
- Bestows greater powers of concentration and self control
- Inculcates impulse Control
- Intensifies tolerance to pain and enhancing mental clarity
- Boosts functioning of the immune system
- Enhances posture and muscle tone
- Improves blood circulation
- Results in healthy, glowing skin
- Cleanses and improves overall organ functioning
- Infuses a sense of balance & internal harmony
- Bestows peace of mind and a more positive outlook to life
I have been coming to Yoga Sol for about 6 months and it’s been a life-changing experience. The studio is always clean and that includes the bathrooms. There are lockers there so you can stow your belongings safely.

Yoga Sol is a community of teachers and students deeply interested in self improvement. The staff really does care about their students and you can see the dedication the teachers have in sharing their love of Yoga.